ICBs around the country are embarking on the journey of specialised services delegation from NHS England.

These services are the pacemakers in advancing healthcare, driving integration, and leading transformation. As we transition to more local commissioning, the strategic alignment of services and teams to maintain the pace of improvement becomes of even greater importance.

Join us for a webinar on 11 September from 2-3.15pm, “Demystifying delegation: Learning from the South London experience”, as experts from the South London Specialised Services programme, the Shelford Group, and NHS England share insights through a virtual webinar.


As we prepare for the commissioning shift in April 2024, learn from South London’s experience, where a programme approach to collaboration is achieving the triple aim in benefitting patients, trusts, and the entire system.

We’ll also cover the national Pathfinder programme, in which speakers will share tangible takeaways in contracting, finance, and data intelligence that can help pave the way for successful delegation.

Register online https://demystifying-delegation.eventbrite.co.uk

Register now for practical approaches in navigating the new specialised services landscape. Together, we can demystify delegation, transforming challenges into opportunities for ICBs and providers across England.


  • Webinar Chair: Tim Jaggard, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Jackie Parrott, Chief Strategy Officer, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, and Chair for South London Specialised Services Executive Management Board
  • Lucie Waters, Director, South London Office of Specialised Services
  • Kate Jones, Deputy Director, South London Office of Specialised Services
  • NHS England representative TBC